Personal Informatics & HCI: Design, Theory, & Social Implications

CHI 2011 Workshop · May 7–12, 2011 · Vancouver, BC, Canada

Workshop Notes

Notes taken by Yevgeniy Medynskiy during the workshop.

Introductions 9:15 AM

Name/affiliation/what made you interested in self-tracking (1 min each)

  • Clinical health & wellness: clinical outcomes; wellness; mental health; social wellbeing
  • Domains: email; attention/information overload; sleep; location; experience sampling
  • Branching Out: Persuasive (not manipulating!) technology; Social networking; Barriers to PI
  • Theories: Value-sensitive design; Psychology
  • Visualizing archives of personal data
  • Privacy and security

Madness #1 9:35 AM

Halimat Alabi
App for anxiety tracking; mental health; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
Sudheendra Hangal
Sentiment analysis via email; passive lifelogging; sensemaking of text archives with Muse (Memories Using Email).
Catherine Grevet
Integrated model for multi-faceted PI systems; Transtheoretical Model; Theory of Planned Behavior; Stage-based Model of Personal Informatics.
Elizabeth Bales
Share PI data with their social network/community; "Interpersonal" informatics.
Laura Dabbish
SeeMail for email visualization; Patterns of communication over time, including responsiveness.
Matthew Kay
Sleep tracking and self-improvement; Environmental factors that disturb sleep; Lullaby sensor system + sleep tracking device like FitBit or Zeo.
Eric Hekler
Android apps for self-tracking and social sharing; Goal setting; Ability to influence behavior via confederates; Operant conditioning via fun experiences.
Jed Brubaker
Challenges and barriers when working with PI ecologies; Estrellita case study; Challenge of Context, Challenge of "Personal" and Challenge of Represenation.
Blaine Price
Lifelogging (specifically, location) and privacy; Persuasive technology -- engagement, non-invasiveness. Summary of available devices

Breakout #1 11:30 AM

Group 1: Design of Tools

  • Synchronize data formats. Are you measuring that you think you're measuring?
  • Presentation and sharing. What levels of privacy controls should you give to users?
  • Keeping users' engagement, based on their expertise and motivation.

Group 2: Making Sense of Data

  • Collection of Data --> Visualization (Two different domains)
  • Venn Diagram between Collection, Visualization and Persuasion
  • Iteration of understanding... Why do we collect data?

Group 3: Theory

  • Not just use theory, but test and improve theory
  • Where does theory come in: related work; prototyping (conceptual review/feedback)
  • Models of motivation and action; theories of behavior change and behavior change strategies; measurement theory

Group 4: Social Implication

  • Personal vs. Interpersonal/social
  • The best use is "non-use" e.g. quitting smoking, if you quit

Madness #2 3:00 PM

Mark Matthews
Relapse prevention and mental health; bipolar disorder -- tracking common triggers/signs/risk factors; PI architecture.
Eric Hofer
Course for PI design; Arduino as technology for teaching PI; Adding art to the design and research in most HCI work.
Amy Gonzales
Vera photographing and rating health behaviors, with and without social interaction and reflection.
Neema Moraveji
Calming technologies -- technologies that induce calm; "calm alertness"; stressors vs calmers
Alina Pommeranz
Personal values of PI -- value-sensitive technology; value elicitation via experience sampling
Alexander Meschtscherjakov
Experience Sampling (ESM) Tools; MyExperience, PocketBee; Created a new tools: Maestro which uses a client-server architecture
Noreen Kamal
Personal Health Informatics: What is the role of the [online] social network? Can the later motivate the use of the former? The social impact on health.
Jack Weeden
Monitor waste and recycling behavior. Social competition for scores, with MTurk integration for waste labeling. Personal reflection.
Natalia Romero
Collecting and sharing experiences with family.

Breakout #2 4:40 PM

Group A: Barriers to Expanding the Reach of PI Tools

  • Barriers: Collection, motivation, finding the users for your tools, getting critical mass.
  • Strategies for overcoming: Gamification, establishing social norms, integrating PI with everyday activity, bootstapping (value w/ little setup time), improving usability, making sure users can utilize the data they are collecting, making applications mobile.

Group B: Novel interactions and data

  • Relationships between different types of data -- aggregation.
  • Self-experimentation (life-hackers, tinkerers & play).
  • Separation of quantitative and qualitative tasks between computer/human.

Group C: Narrative and Storytelling

  • Journaling, "fridge magnet" app, story editing.
  • Hero's journey as narrative structure.
  • Re-telling someone's life to them based on their personal information.

Group D: Ethics/Values of Personal Informatics

  • Promote self-awareness. Stimulate cognitive activity.
  • "Value transparency" -- tools articulate what they're trying to do and users can choose.


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Organized by

Ian Li
Anind Dey
Jodi Forlizzi
Kristina Höök
Yevgeniy Medynskiy


  • Papers Due  February 11, 2011
  • Notification  March 15, 2011
  • Workshop  May 7, 2011

CHI 2011

CHI 2011
May 7–12, 2011
Vancouver, BC, Canada