Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness

CHI 2013 Workshop · April 27–28, 2013 · Paris, France

Accepted papers

In favour of a multiplied self. Can empathy lead to personal behaviour change?
Mara Balestrini

An In Situ Data Collection Platform for Personal Informatics
Nikolaos Batalas, Panos Markopoulos

Estimating Usage Can Reduce the Stress of Social Networking
Yan Zhou, Jon Bird, Anna Cox, Duncan Brumby

Take a stance! Designing for healthy consumption
Christian A. Detweiler, Alina Huldtgren, Nick Guldemond

Health and Wellness Self-Management for Older Adults
Julie Doyle, Lorcan Walsh, Antonella Sassu

Examining Obstacles to Sharing Fine-Grained Personal Activity Data
Daniel A. Epstein, James Fogarty

The Future of Data Visualization in Personal Informatics Tools
Chloe Fan

MONARCA: A Personal Monitoring System for Bipolar Patients
Mads Frost, Jakob E. Bardram

Finances, Fitness, and Fuel: Our Experiences Designing and Evaluating Personal and Persuasive Informatics
Kirstie Hawkey, Derek Reilly

A DIY Self-Experimentation Toolkit for Behavior Change
Eric B. Hekler, Winslow Burleson, Jisoo Lee

The Value of a Critical Approach to Personal Health Informatics
Vera Khovanskaya, Stephen Voida, Phil Adams, Geri Gay, Eric P.S. Baumer

Enabling Foresight and Reflection: Interactive Simulations to Support Behaviour Change
Lisa Koeman, Yvonne Rogers

Artie Konrad, Steve Whittaker, Ellen Isaacs
Short and Long-Term Benefits of Reflective Technologies

Social Media as Personal Informatics: Empowerment through Self-Reflection
Airi Lampinen, Jesse Haapoja, Johannes Koponen, Juha Leppanen

QS Spiral: Visualizing Periodic Quantified Self Data
Jakob Eg Larsen, Andrea Cuttone, Sune Lehmann

Visualizing the effect of actions in personal informatics systems
Ming Liu, Rafael A. Calvo, Abelardo Pardo

Personal informatics for learning
Jose Luis Santos, Joris Klerkx, Erik Duval

Baloo: Personal Informatics for Decision Making
Edward K. Smith, James Purtilo

A Human-Centered Conceptual Model for Personal Health Informatics Data
Edison Thomaz

Personal Informatics Can Be Stressful: Collecting, Reflecting, and Embedding Stress Data in Personal Informatics
Stephen Voida, Tanzeem Choudhury, Geri Gay, Mark Matthews, Phil Adams, Mashfiqui Rabbi, JP Pollak, Mengxi (Chrissie) Chi, Matthew Green, Hong Lu, Nicholas D. Lane, Mu Lin, Andrew T. Campbell

Personalized Tracking of Goals and Gains after Psychotherapy Using Behavioral Data
Andrew J. White, Tillmann Neben, Aliona von der Trenck, Armin Heinzl, Georg W. Alpers

Visualizing Gulfs and Streaks - Peripheral Support for Goal-Setting & Habit-Forming in Personal Informatics
Wesley Willett, Lora Oehlberg

The Weight of Things Lost: Self-knowledge and Personal Informatics
Kaiton Williams

Lifelogging: New Challenges for Information Visualization on Mobile Platforms
Yang Yang, Hyowon Lee, Cathal Gurrin



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Organized by

Ian Li
Jon Froehlich
Jakob Eg Larsen
Catherine Grevet
Ernesto Ramirez


  • Papers Due  January 11, 2013
    January 18, 2013
  • Notification  February 8, 2013
  • Workshop  April 27–28, 2013

CHI 2013

CHI 2013

April 27–May 2, 2013
Paris, France